At Helpermedia, design not only stands for graphic design of websites, but also for designing functionality and technical architecture.
Marcel uses the mobile first principle to design websites and uses CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap and Bulma. Thanks to his profound knowledge of Drupal a design can be easily mapped to what is or is not possible within Drupal.
Helpermedia is familiar with various development environments and delivers simple and complex websites and/or applications. Most of the time, development takes place with Drupal and React.
Marcel is a Full Stack Developer and can work on the frontend and backend. He has a thorough knowledge of PHP, Javascript, Sass / CSS, databases and deployment.
In addition to designing and developing websites, it is also possible to hire Helpermedia for Drupal training.
Marcel likes to share his knowledge and enjoys being a trainer. To get an idea, please look at the website of One More View.
Marcel has a broad knowledge in the field of IT and is eager to learn. He prefers to work with Drupal and React, but he can also work with other techniques and environments. Technical conferences are followed a lot to keep up with the latest developments.
Drupal is an open source content management system (CMS) for easy management of dynamic websites. The strength of Drupal lies in the expandability of functionality through additional modules, examples of which are workflow management, Google Maps integration, links with payment systems, but also complete web stores.
React (ReactJS) is an open-source JavaScript library that is used for user interfaces (often for single page applications). With React, large web applications can be created in which the data can be changed without reloading the page. But React can also be used for certain elements in a page. The latter is often done in combination with Drupal.
Below are the most recent projects of Marcel.

Fijn op Vakantie
Fijn op Vakantie is a website for online rental of holiday homes nearby the Dutch coast and the Wadden Islands.
The website is build with Drupal 7 and the booking widget is created in React. The site has many connections with other systems, for which techniques such as SOAP, JSON and XML are used.

Flean is a platform for online rental of accommodations.
Flean is the engine among many websites and uses Drupal 7 and Drupal 8. A powerful product with which an online rental website can be set up very quickly. With the help of settings, each site can get its own look and feel.

Biblionet Groningen
Biblionet Groningen is the organisation behind 38 libraries in the province of Groningen.
The website has been given a new look and is provided with useful content types that connect with each other.
Still not convinced?
Helpermedia is a one-man business founded in 2007. Helpermedia is called after the surrounding neighborhood where many streets, gardens and squares start with "Helper". The name is also suiting because Helpermedia helps to implement modern media. Marcel Ritsema is the proud owner of Helpermedia and started his own business after many years in ICT. During the years various functions and challenges came across his path.
Marcel got his bachelor degree in 1995 at the Hanzehogeschool Business Management. His first job started in 1996 as functional tester at an organization which takes care of financing students. After a year Marcel started to work for G&D (now called Sogeti) as a software developer. After an intense training period he was assigned to KPN a nationwide dutch telecom operator for almost two years.
Wanting to move on Marcel switched at the end of 1998 to Atos Orgin. In this five year period Marcel fulfilled several functions as senior developer, functional designer, information analist, architect and project leader. Marcel has been assigned to the following customers: KPN, Shell and Gasunie (Gas Trade & Supply). Nowadays he drives an electric car by the way.
Another switch was made in 2003 to the province Groningen as an information analist with special interest in information architecture. After a year this job was extended with project leading and managing tasks. After a couple years Marcel realized he wanted to do more creative and challenging work. Especially open sources products such as Drupal and assignments combined with media elements are Marcel's favorites.